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2020 Important Numbers


This quick reference guide covers the most important annual limits as well as figures that are commonly referred to during the year.  It includes:  

  • Tax rates for MFJ, Single and Estates
  • AMT annual limits
  • LTCG rates for MFJ, Single and Estates/Trusts
  • Standard deductions for MFJ and Single
  • Social Security annual limits (including earning limits)
  • Full Retirement Age chart
  • IRMAA Surcharges
  • Retirement Plan Annual Limits
  • Traditional and Roth IRA Annual Limits
  • Education Tax credits
  • Uniform Lifetime Table (abbreviated version)
  • Single Lifetime Table (abbreviated version)
  • Estate and gift tax annual limits
  • HSA annual limits 
  • Social Security taxation summary for MFJ and Single