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How Will My Survivor's Annuity for Railroad Retirement Be Calculated If I'm Not at Full Retirement Age? Thumbnail

How Will My Survivor's Annuity for Railroad Retirement Be Calculated If I'm Not at Full Retirement Age?

Video Spouse Annuity Survivor Benefits Retirement Financial Planning

Welcome to another edition of the Highball Advisors Railroad Retirement Mailbag! I’m John McNamara from Highball Advisors, and today’s question comes from Taxi 38. They ask, “Assuming full retirement age at 67, my husband retired at 60 with over 30 years of service. If he passes away at 65, before reaching full retirement age, and I’m 63 as the surviving spouse, would I be subject to a reduction in survivor benefits since I’m not collecting benefits prior to full retirement age?”

Great question! Here’s the key: Since your husband retired at 60 with over 30 years of service, his retirement benefits would be based on his full retirement age. This means that as his surviving spouse, you would be entitled to 100% of his Tier 1 and Tier 2 benefits, regardless of your age. However, you would not receive a spousal annuity since your husband didn’t pass away after reaching full retirement age.

For more details, check out my video What You Need to Know About Your Survivor Annuity and Railroad Retirement, which covers a lot of the issues related to survivor benefits.

I hope you found this helpful! Feel free to send in your questions, and I’ll create a video to address them. Until next time, everyone, stay safe, stay on track, and take care! So long, everyone! Bye!

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