Talk With Your Advisor Before You Do These 5 Things in Railroad Retirement
Learn about the five big things you should be talking to your advisor about as you near Railroad Retirement.
The Helper locomotive is there to assist trains to get over steep grades. This blog serves the same purpose. It is here to help give ideas to get you over those steep financial grades that lie ahead of you. I hope you enjoy!
Learn about the five big things you should be talking to your advisor about as you near Railroad Retirement.
Taxes and Healthcare are your two biggest expenses in Railroad Retirement. Learn the basics of Medicare as you near 65.
Learn if you will have reductions to your Railroad Retirement annuity by claiming a pension and understand the differences between covered and non-covered pensions.
Learn of a strategy that will help bridge your income shortfall until you reach Railroad Retirement.
Learn options to get healthcare coverage before Medicare starts in Railroad Retirement. Understand the most cost effective way to get your family and yourself covered.
Understand a simple way to plan for a comfortable railroad retirement retirement. Learn how to use "buckets" to build a sustainable retirement income stream.
Understand the optimal amount of cash a railroad retiree cash should keep on hand for Railroad Retirement. Understand the proper way to allocate your resources for a successful retirement.
Learn the importance of matching your spending with your guaranteed retirement income streams. Understand the percent of your retirement spending that should be matched by guaranteed retirement income.
Learn tax saving strategies when giving to charity in Railroad Retirement.
Learn about the affects on your Railroad Retirement by collecting a government pension. Understand the reduction implemented on your annuity that could hamper your Railroad Retirement